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Temperament World, Therapy World, Thrilling Articles and Series. Food for thought Advice


We have all studied the weekness of the four temperament.and today on temperament series we would be looking at the strength of the four temperament.and we would start with the sanguine strength.

                       THE SANGUINE STRENGTH.

Sanguines  are super extrovert.everything they do are superficial and external.they laughs loudly and dominates every conversation whether they have anything meaningful to say or not.he loves the limelight and excels at public speaking.he rarely waits for others to speak first,but usually is the first to initiate a conversation.

Mr and Mrs sanguine's ability to respond to others is instantaneous.if he catches another person looking at him,he always responds with a nod,wink,or greeting.no one enjoys life more than Sanguines.he never seems to lose his childlike curiosity for the things that surrounds him.even the unpleasant things of life can be forgotten by change of environment.it is a rare occasion when he those not awaken in a lively mood,and he will often be found whistling or singing his way through life.

the natural trait of Mr sanguine that produces both his hearty and optimistic disposition is defined by Dr.hallesby,a European authority in this subject: "the sanguine people had a God given ability to live in the present."he easily forget the past,and is seldom frustrated or fearful of future difficulties.the sanguine people are optimistic.

He is easily inspired to engage in new plans and projects,and his boundless enthusiasm often carries others along with him.if yesterday's project has failed,he is confident that the project he is working on today Will definitely succeed.the outgoing, handshaking, backslapping customs of the cheerful Sanguine stem basically from his genuine love for people.he enjoys being around others,sharing in their joys and sorrow,and he loves making new friends.no one makes a better first impression than the sanguine.

One of the greatest assets of Mr sanguine is that he has a tender,compassionate heart.no one responds more genuinely to the needs of sanguine.he is able to share the emotional experiences ,both good and bad,of others.by nature,he finds it easy to obey the scriptural injunction,"rejoice with those that do rejoice,and weep with those who weep."

The sincerity of mr.Sanguine is often misunderstood by others.they are deceived by his sudden changes of emotion,and they are fail to understand that he is genuinely responding to the emotions of others.no one can love you more nor forget you faster than a sanguine.the world 🌎is enriched by these cheerful,responsive people.when motivated and disciplined by God,they can be great servants of Jesus christ..... 

The next is on the choleric's strength.....stay tuned!!

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